The PMDTiSmart sensors are a revolutionary design which builds a wireless smart sensor network to autonomously sample asset condition data periodically from all kinds of medium and high voltage power equipment. The test data is collected by the sensor and uploaded to the PMDTCloud by the Data Collecting Units for data diagnostics wirelessly. The PMDTCloud analyses data collected through PMDT’s Proprietary Cloud Diagnostic technology. The condition of the power asset is evaluated, and appropriate maintenance suggestions are provided where an issue is found to exist.
• Safe, reliable, and non-intrusive online testing with wireless installation method, does not need any modification of the original structure of the power equipment.
• Reliable data transmission with encrypted wireless communication technology.
• Autonomously samples signals from power equipment periodically. The measuring cycle of each sensor is selectable from 6 to 10000 minutes. The recommended measuring cycle is 24-hour interval. Test data could be saved locally or saved on the cloud if this option is purchased separately.
• The data collection units obtain data from the smart sensors wirelessly and uploads the data to the PMDTCloud via 3G/4G/ethernet for data storage and analysis.
• The PMDTCloud analyzes the data by utilizing the Deep Learning Technology to produce accurate diagnostic of the data.
• Eliminates opening MV switchgear equipment for OLPD testing of cables.
• Low power consumption technology allows the battery life to last for up to an estimated 5 to 8 years of operation, depending on the sampling intervals.
• Employs a waterproof design which is suitable for outdoor applications.
• Cost-effective compared to permanent online monitoring systems.
The PMDTiSmart LDCU is used for collecting, analyzing, processing, storing, and uploading data detected by the smart sensors. It controls smart sensors for data collection and uploads the detected data to the PMDTCloud.
The PMDTiSmart HDCU obtains detection data from smart sensors wirelessly and uploads to the PMDTCloud or the software.