• Bootstrap slider example
  • Bootstrap slider example
  • bootstrap carousel responsive



PDetector is an ideal device for PD testing of MV and HV assets which uses all 5 types of PD sensor technology: Ultra-High Frequency (UHF), Acoustic Emissions (AE), Ultrasonic, High Frequency Current Transformer (HFCT), and Transient Earth Voltage (TEV) sensors. PDetector Advanced Handheld Partial Discharge Detector for Electric Power Equipment with Multi-Sensor and Cloud Diagnostic Technologies, Data Management Software, and Test Management App.


The PDetector is an ideal device for On-Line Partial Discharge (OLPD) testing of MV and HV equipment which employs all 5 types of OLPD sensor technology: Ultra-High Frequency (UHF), Acoustic Emissions (AE), Ultrasonic, High Frequency Current Transformer (HFCT), and Transient Earth Voltage (TEV). The information from multiple sensors gives the PDetector the versatility to detect all types of PD in all types of substation apparatus. The exact type of PD activity can be determined effectively using multiple on-screen data spectrum analysis. The PDetector greatly simplifies and standardizes the routine OLPD testing procedure by using the Intelligent Patrol function, the PDetector App, and the PMDTCloud. It is a powerful and helpful tool for substation operators to conduct routine testing in a substation quickly, to determine what the issue is, and where it is located.


  • Employs 5 types of online PD sensor technologies
  • PRPD, PRPS, Single-Cycle, Phase, Waveform, and Amplitude spectrums to determine PD types
  • Wireless connection to UHF and HFCT sensors
  • Power/Light frequency synchronization
  • Intelligent Patrol Function to create a test task with a set standard test procedure to improve test efficiency
  • RFID asset tagging on power equipment to standardize the field OLPD testing procedure to greatly improve test efficiency and achieve asset management
  • One-key data saving and simple operation, ideal for quick PD testing for a whole substation
  • The PDetector has WI-FI capabilities. It cancommunicate with the PMDTCloud via the PDetector App. The PMDTCloud can give the diagnostic result by using the deep learning algorithm programmed into the PMDTCloud itself
  • Records up to 5 minutes of video while in the PRPS/PRPD Detection Modes of the UHF/HFCT Sensors
  • PC-based data management software with automatic report generation function in JPEG/MS Word formats
  • On-board data storage
  • Environmentally friendly and supports paperless testing

Sensor Technology: Detection

Electromagnetic (EM)

  • TEV: Transient Earth Voltage (built-in main handheld unit), 3MHz -100MHz
  • UHF: Ultra High Frequency, 300MHz - 1.5GHz
  • HFCT: High Frequency Current Transformer, 500KHz - 50MHz

Acoustic Emissions (AE)

  • AE Contact Sensor: 20KHz - 300KHz
  • Airborne Ultrasonic: 40KHz


  • MV & HV Switchgear
  • Transformers
  • Power Cables
  • Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS)
  • And Other Equipment